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5 of 5. Piotr Borkowski, Złotów (Competing Locally, 100-135m)
Love it more than my dog
I have 2 border collies after 2 weeks with this disc on our walks I was like this guys who can birdie every hole with one disc. I was master of approach. But one day I throw it in strong wind after my dog come back i understand that I throw around 160 meters straight into the lake. Waiting for restock again.
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5 of 5. Mattan, Göteborg (Competing Locally, 100-135m)
lek o seriösdisc
Har denna till hunden och den håller länge trots garnityr. Passar även utmärkt på golfbanan och som lekdisc på stranden. Lättkastad och pålitlig.
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Manufacturer link More from Latitude 64
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