Har snart haft den i ett år många möjligheter få plats många diskar jag kör 2 vattenflaskor 1L. vindjacka Plus några handdukar och en sitt stol bra fäste får plats med 20 discar 2 puttar i putt facket får plats med 2 diskar på varsin sida 4 st Total 5-8 discar i mitten facket eller en stor hoodie och handduk och två små fickor för telefonnycklar plånbok markör myggmedel och jätteskön för ryggen andas lätt förut körde jag med Ranger Dynamic Disc och ville ha en större ryggsäck med lite utrymme för någon vindjacka hoodie bra med utrymme kör nu med 15-20 Disc älskar den ????????
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More about the Product
The Westside Discs Empire Backpack sets a new standard for premium disc golf bags. It has tons of space for discs and accessories, while still being comfortable to carry during those long rounds. If you are ready to take your disc golf game to the next level, the Westside Discs Empire Backpack is for you.
• 5 tall plastic feet and a water resistant bottom to keep the bag upright and dry. • 2 giant storage pouches on each side. They can also double as an extra water bottle holder. • 2 extra tall water bottle holders to keep drinks secure. Slightly insulated to keep drinks cold. • Stitched straps to secure accessories, towels, pins, etc. on each side of the bag. • 2 small zippered pockets on each side for your phone/wallet/keys and other small items. • 2 huge zippered pockets on each side for tons of storage. They each have 2 dividers that fit a disc and keep them from being bent. • Left side has a heavy duty clip. • Putter pouch on top in the zipper-secured pouch next to the handle. • Has stitched straps on the front to secure accessories, towels, pins, and more. • Has 2 quick-access slots for the most-used discs. • Can fit up to 24 distance drivers. • Very spacious top compartment for discs, jackets, towels, and more. • High quality padding in the shoulder straps. • Extra padding on the back of the bag to comfortably carry the weight of everything you put in the bag.
Weight: 2.6kg
14 1/2" wide excluding water bottle holder
21" wide including water bottle holder
9.5" deep
20" tall
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Note! Vi har lageröppet ibland på helger. Dock oregelbundet. Vi postar om detta på instagram & facebook.
Pick Up:
The warehouse is normally open for pick up of orders (shipping option "Pick Up Warehouse" in checkout)
Mon-Thurs 8am-4pm and Fri 8am-3pm. NOTE: Email or call us and get confirmation that we are on site before you come!